2022 STASWCD Annual meeting image
The STASWCD annual meeting was held on September 23, 2021 at the Chaparral Wildlife Management Area (WMA) near Artesia Wells. The WMA was started by the Texas Parks and Wildlife in 1969 and covers 15,200 acres. Two WMA biologists discussed wildlife on the management area including white-tailed deer, quail, dove, feral hogs and wart hogs that accidentally migrated onto the WMA from nearby ranches. They also discussed migratory song birds and reptiles, including the horned lizard, rabbits, tortoise and snakes. Cattle are grazed for about eight months through the 13 pastures to manipulate the habitat. Prescribed burns are also conducted to manage the habitat. The WMA offers various types of hunts; mostly drawn and youth hunts. Following the presentation and lunch, STASWCD President Leroy Wolff began the business meeting. Jose Dodier (TSSWCB), Rick Schilling (ATSWCD), and Charles Goeke (TCAWS), all gave their respective reports. Todd Kercheval (TCAWS Consultant) then discussed current legislative activities in Austin including census and redistricting. Ronnie Ramirez (TSSWCB) invited everyone to attend an upcoming field day on pastureland and hayland in the Valley. The minutes and financial reports were approved. Approval to purchase door prizes for the annual state meeting was made. President Wolff will take the lead on reviewing and presenting updated by-laws. Loma Blanca SWCD District Director David Escobar was appointed as Secretary. The meeting was adjourned. 

See Gallery for pictures of the event!